Hello! Everybody,
I like learning things related with data science and GI science. On top of it I like python. Everything I do with data science or GI science or any research is some how related with python. I always try new things with python. Perhaps, writing blogs, is way to share with other about the fun stuff of python. So, have a look at my post if you like python. May be, you are already an expert of python. No problem. You can always, give constructive comments and share your thoughts. Together we will learn interesting stuff of python.
Some interesting projects done by me
Interactive map
- Open street map tile is used in the map background.
- Hexagon grid is created based on the user defined hexagon radius. Also the colour of hexagon grid changes based on the statistics provided.
- There are also some observation point. Both point and hexagon data is shown on both side of the map and the data is sorted in descending order.
- There are two slider on both side of the map. Both slider is connected to the respective table and hexagon/point.
- Interaction with slider will also take effect on the corresponding polygon point and table.
- The corresponding general information will pop up during mouse hovering.
- Last but not the least, clicking on hexagon grid or point will create spider line plot with associated data.
- This project is done by Python.
GIS desktop application
- This project is about GIS desktop application.
- Open street map tile is shown on the background of the application.
- The application has zoom in zoom out and dragging capabilities just like the google map application.
- The application has the capability of drawing polygon, adding name to polygon, removing polygon
- Most important feature of this application is, all polygon data with its name can be saved to SQL database server.
- Also the data can be extracted from database and plot it on the open street map tile.
- This project is done with python.